Seminars and Workshops


We offer a range of seminars and workshops, including the following:


Integral Weight Management. The program with a difference.
any weight management programs emphazise short term changes through strict diets and intensive exercise programs. These are not always sustainable over time resulting in weight gain. Integral Weight Management is a psychologically based lifestyle program targeting the underlying factors of why, when and how we eat. It advocates a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach for lasting change. Please contact us now to attend our upcoming information session or to enrol in the next workshop series. 

Mindfulness for Modern Living.
This is a half day experiential workshop designed to introduce you to the skill of mindfulness to achieve greater balance, calm and presence in the here and now.


Planning For A Fulfilling Retirement
We often plan financially for retirement, but how much thought do we give to how to spend the rest of our lives post-employment? Retirement can be fun and exciting, but can also present challenges. This seminar describes what they are, and how to overcome them successfully.  Available as a seminar or an interactive workshop.


Managing Chronic Pain.
Chronic pain may be a permanent feature in our life, but by changing the way we view it and relate to it, and learning some simple strategies, we can minimize the negative impact it has on our lives and functioning to still make the most of every day.


Surviving Year 12.
A seminar for students in the final year of high school. Learn ways of reducing the stress and anxiety and maximize the academic and psychological outcome in this notoriously challenging year.


Taming the Wotif Monster.
A seminar explaining the evolutionary purpose of anxiety, the physiological effects of the flight or flight response, and how our thoughts affect our response to panic attacks. A range of strategies to reduce our levels of anxiety are also covered.


Integral Balance - Stress Management Workshops and Retreats.
Please call us to enquire about the options available.










Mob: 0417 627 595








Tues, Thur,
9.30am - 2.30pm.


Mon and Wed
9.30am - 8pm.













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